Also by Tajuana Butler

Hand-me-down Heartache
A Novel
By Tajuana Butler
Reviews for Hand-me-down Heartache
“A winner that you gotta check out!”
—Vivica A. Fox
“A novel of love and resilience . . . [Butler] touches on the strength of relationships among women—be they mothers, mentors, or friends.”
—National Women’s Review
“In Hand-me-down Heartache, Butler skillfully presents the world of Nina Lander, a recent college grad who goes on an odyssey of self-discovery.” —Essence
“Butler’s second novel . . . deals sensitively with the impact of domestic abuse on an African-American family and the choices made by a young woman dealing with issues of self-doubt while seeking acceptance in her relationships.”
—Publishers Weekly
Butler hasn't simply written a love story in Hand-me-down Heartache. She is also sending a self-esteem message to young women. Through her main character's stumblings and discoveries, Butler subtly weaves a theme of believing in yourself, or not living simply to please those around you but [realizing] we all deserve to be loved and treated well.
A novel of love and resilience [Butler] touches on the strength of relationships among women–be they mothers, mentor, or friends.
The publisher is watching this book closely, since Butler's first, Sorority Sisters, went into five printings. Here, a young woman fresh from college realizes that her father's abuse of her mother has shaped her own expectations.
Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information, Inc.
Sadly, there are teens who can identify all too strongly with the young woman's struggles to keep her relationship going with her boyfriend, and the desperate measures she takes to try to hold onto something that's not really there. This work is a sequel to Sorority Sisters (Villard, 2000), which deals with college life and love relationships. Teens will find both works worthwhile reading.
Copyright 2002 Cahners Business Information, Inc.
Patricia White-Williams