The Good Things
A Few of My Favorite Homemade Things
Let me show you how to make them
Here are some of my favorite healthy, all-natural products to make. How to video coming soon...

Oil for Hair & Skin
WHY I LOVE IT: I love this oil because it doesn't leave my girls hair greasy. I pour it on heavy while their hair is wet, then I rinse it with with warm water. Between washes, I spritz their hair at night and put a little on the ends of their hair as needed. (they sleep with scarf or bonnet, and always a satin pillowcase) I also use this oil as a makeup remover. I rub it on my eyes and eyebrows, then wash my face with my face wash. If needed, I'll do a second application.
2 Tbs Pure Olive Oil
2 Tbs Avocado Oil
1 Tbs Grapeseed Oil
1 Tbs Jojoba Oil
1 Tbs Hemp Seed Oil
1/2 Tbs Vitamin E
Pour in a squeeze bottle
Hint: Pour a small amount into a convenient travel sized bottle for on the go.

Brown Sugar Scrub
WHY I LOVE IT: This is an all natural way to exfoliate your skin without all of the added chemicals from store or salon purchased scrubs. It leaves your skin super soft and smooth.Olive oil is great for all skin types. Hemp seed oil is great for moisturizing dry, damaged skin and works well for eczema and psoriasis.
1/2 cup Cane Brown Sugar
3 Tbs Pure Olive Oil
3 Tbs Hemp Seed Oil
2-3 drops essential oil of your choice (optional)
Mix. Store in Airtight Jar
use twice a week

Flax Seed Gel
WHY I LOVE IT: This stuff is amazing for twist outs and to lay down the baby hair around your face. It isn't harsh and holds hair all day. It can also be reapplied between washes without flaking.
1 cup Flax Seed
2 cups Water
3 Drops of your favorite Essential Oil (optional)
Strain through panty hose
Use a tong to get all of the gel out.
Store in container with airtight lid in fridge
Lasts @ 7 days

WHY I LOVE IT: Bromide is the thing that your body desperately needs on a daily basis, but has been missing. A mixture of Irish Sea Moss and Bladerwack, this all natural supplement gives you over 90 essential minerals that your body will appreciate. This mixture replaces your daily vitamins and can be taken by capsules or by the spoonful.* If you add Burdock**, you increase the minerals to the 102 minerals your body needs. Mix into smoothies and other healthy drinks.
*NOTE: Bromide is an acquired taste, unless you like the taste of the ocean. When taking by spoon, it can get stuck to the roof of your mouth.
**PLEASE NOTE: If you have a bleeding disorder, limit your intake of Burdock as it could increase bleeding.
How to make it:
1 cup Irish Sea Moss
+ 1 cup Bladderwack
+ 1 tablespoon Burdock (optional)
= Bromide
Store in airtight container
Make into capsules (instructions to come...)
Take 4 capsules per day or up to a tbl spoon full